Asset Management in Charleston, SC


We are not stock pickers. We do not try to predict the ups and downs of the market.

Instead, our investment portfolios are:

  • Extremely well-suited to fund your goals.
  • Designed to allow you to capture global market returns.

This approach is beneficial for you in that it allows us to focus on your individual needs and offer an exceptional level of client service rather than spending the vast amounts of time, energy, and resources necessary to provide advice on investments outside of our expertise.

For you to get the most out of our portfolios, in other words for you to take advantage of the growth of the great companies of America and the world, you must believe the following are important factors in investing, all of which serve as the building blocks of our asset management style:


Our portfolios are designed to be held for goals that range from 5-years to the rest of your life.

Fully Diversified:

That means you own many different investments, which reduces the risk of your portfolio such that you never get killed by owning one thing, and you never make a killing by owning one thing.

Low Cost:

We use some of the lowest cost investments in the industry. Lower investment costs mean better returns for you and more money in your pocket.

Tax Efficient:

Since we do not trade often, there are minimal tax implications in your portfolio, which means less cost to you and more money that you can actually use. Because, it really does not matter how much money you have in your portfolio – it matters how much money you can use.

Want to find out how you can get better performance out of your investments? Click on this link to schedule your no cost consultation now.

Free Financial Advisor Consultations in Charleston / Mount Pleasant, SC with Runey & Associates Wealth Management.



Fiduciary Financial Advisor in Charleston / Mount Pleasant, SC. Runey & Associates Wealth Management.


Office of Financial Advisor Runey & Associates Wealth Management in Mount Pleasant, SC.


When you work with Runey & Associates, you have a team of experts to help you make wise decisions and address all areas that affect your financial health.

Our services help you reach your goals by providing regular meetings, keeping you informed on industry and tax law changes, explaining the ‘noise’ of the financial media, monitoring progress towards your goals, and working with your existing professionals.

How We Charge

Premier Program

Investment Management Through Comprehensive Financial Planning

Assets Under ManagementAnnual Fee
Up to $1M1.25%
$1M to $3M1.00%
$3M to $5M0.75%
$5M +0.50%


Looking for an Asset Management Advisor in Charleston?

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